Does a Lamb Stray Like a Lion?
Love brought me to Poland and into a family of men. ‘Does a Lamb Stray Like a Lion?’ is an attempt to understand what it means to grow up without a father figure, in a country where masculinity is the biggest religion. Growing up without male influence myself, we are connected by abscene. This project is a dialogue between me and three brothers who all are in very different stages of their lives. Jan (22), Józef (12) and Jeremi (2) take me on board as we discover this complex thing called manhood. Sinking and swimming between what is expected and what is desired, we meet.
The project has been selected for the Dior Photography and Visual Arts Award for Young Talent 2020 and was shown as an installation during the ARTY PARTY 2019 at the Melkweg Expo Amsterdam (NL).
(2017 - now)
Over the past decades, feminist movements around the globe have made it possible for more women to enter domains that were originally considered masculine. As a feminist I wonder: do we give men equal chances to liberate themselves when it comes to embracing vulnerability?With my 'ADAM' project I'm trying to question the alpha male stereotype that is put up on men by popular culture and try offer a new way of representation.
This project was published in Vogue Polska and had honorable mentions by Die Zeit (DE).
The Memories Hide Like a Shadow in My Brain
Research suggests that for some their childhood trauma is so distressing that in order to protect itself, the brain subjugates or represses the memory of it. This is called childhood amnesia. This state of mind does not only repress the traumatic events but it totally blocks people from remembering the simplest things of their childhood. This is me putting the pieces of the puzzle back together and reconstruct these lost memories.
This project was shown during a group exhibition in The Grey Space in The Hague (NL).